Arcia, E. (2007). Variability in schools’ suspension rates of black students. The Journal of Negro Education, 76(4), 597-608. Analyses of suspension data over a three-year period were conducted to explain between-school variability in the percentages of Black students suspended in secondary schools at a large urban school district Williams and… read more
Expulsion and Suspension Rates (ESR)
Expulsion Programs as Colonizing Spaces of Exception
Sibblis, C. (2014). expulsion programs as colonizing spaces of exception. Race, Gender & Class, 21(1/2), 64. This essay engages with the themes of race, space and citizenship by examining one particular school board’s use of the expulsion program as a mechanism to efface, contain and oppress marked bodies. Using Mohanram’s… read more
The Disproportionate Discipline of African American Learners: Reducing School Suspensions and Expulsions
Townsend, B. L. (2000). The disproportionate discipline of african american learners: Reducing school suspensions and expulsions. Exceptional Children, 66(3), 381-391. School disciplinary practices for students with disabilities and their peers without disabilities have long been questioned. Moreover, the school discipline of both dominant culture and ethnic minority children and youth… read more
Parsing Disciplinary Disproportionality: Contributions of Infraction, Student, and School Characteristics to Out-of-School Suspension and Expulsion
Skiba, R. J., Chung, C., Trachok, M., Baker, T. L., Sheya, A., & Hughes, R. L. (2014). Parsing disciplinary disproportionality: Contributions of infraction, student, and school characteristics to out-of-school suspension and expulsion. American Educational Research Journal, 51(4), 640-670. In the context of a national conversation about exclusionary discipline, we conducted… read more