Wood, J. (2012). Leaving the 2-Year College: Predictors of Black Male Collegian Departure. Journal of Black Studies, 43(3), 303-326. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/23215215 The purpose of this study was to investigate Black male collegians’ reported reasons for leaving college. This study examined students in public 2-year colleges, comparing Black male collegians with all… read more
Dropout (D'S)
The Indignities on Which the School-to-Prison Pipeline is Built: Life Stories of Two Formerly Incarcerated Black Male School-Leavers
Irby, D. J. (2017). The indignities on which the school-to-prison pipeline is built: Life stories of two formerly incarcerated black male school-leavers. (pp. 15-39) Emerald Publishing Limited. Abstract In this chapter, I present narratives of two Black men who represent a population of people who are often talked about but… read more
Examining teachers’ beliefs about African American male students in a low-performing high school in an African American school district
Lynn, M., Bacon, J., Totten, T., Bridges, T., & Jennings, M. (2010). Examining teachers’ beliefs about african american male students in a low-performing high school in an african american school district. Teachers College Record, 112(1), 289-330. Background/Context: The study examines teachers’ and administrators’ perspectives on the persistent academic failure of… read more
Teacher Education and African American Males: Deconstructing Pathways From the Schoolhouse to the “Big House”
Townsend Walker, B. L. (2012). Teacher education and african american males: Deconstructing pathways from the schoolhouse to the “Big house”. Teacher Education and Special Education, 35(4), 320-332. In this study, the author focuses on the exclusionary school and societal practices that route American males from schools to juvenile detention and… read more