Palmer, R. T., Davis, R. J., & Thompson, T. (2010). Theory meets practice: HBCU initiatives that promote academic success among African Americans in STEM. Journal of college student development, 51(4), 440-443. In the current postindustrial era, increasing the number of minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is critically important for… read more
All Black Institutions (BI)
Determined to succeed: Salient factors that foster academic success for academically unprepared Black males at a Black college
Palmer, R. T., & Young, E. M. (2008). Determined to succeed: Salient factors that foster academic success for academically unprepared Black males at a Black college. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 10(4), 465-482. Attrition for Black men is a serious problem in higher education. While researchers have explored… read more
Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Honoring the Past, Engaging the Present, Touching the Future
Allen, W. R., Jewell, J. O., Griffin, K. A., & Wolf, D. S. (2007). Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Honoring the Past, Engaging the Present, Touching the Future. The Journal of Negro Education,76(3), 263-280. This article examines the history, present, and future of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). We begin with… read more
The Color of Success: African-American College Student Outcomes at Predominantly White and Historically Black Public Colleges and Universities
Allen, W. R. (2010). The Color of Success: African-American College Student Outcomes at Predominantly White and Historically Black Public Colleges and Universities. Harvard Educational Review, 62(1), 26-45. Black students’ participation in higher education has experienced periods of growth and decline. The recent resurgence and proliferation of racial incidents on college campuses, coupled… read more