Allen, W. R. (1987). Black Colleges Vs. White Colleges. change: the magazine of higher learning, 19(3), 28-34. Since 1960 the number of black students attending Coll has doubled &, for the first time in US history, black students are more likely to matriculate at predominantly white rather than traditionally black institutions. Here,… read more
All Black Institutions (BI)
Peer Support For African American Male College Achievement: Beyond Internalized Racism And The Burden Of “Acting White”
Harper, S. R. (2006). Peer Support For African American Male College Achievement: Beyond Internalized Racism And The Burden Of “Acting White”. The Journal of Men’s Studies,14(3), 337-358. Theorists posit that the social reinforcement of racially oppressive assumptions eventually works its way into the psyche of African Americans and negatively shapes the… read more
Difference in Condom Use Among Sexually Active Males at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Washington, T. A., Wang, Y., & Browne, D. (2009). Difference in Condom Use Among Sexually Active Males at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Journal of American College Health, 57(4), 411-418. Black men who have sex with men (MSM) and black men who have sex with both men and women (MSMW) may not… read more
Is it Really a Man’s World? Black Men in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Lundy-Wagner, V. C. (2013). Is it Really a Man’s World? Black Men in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The Journal of Negro Education, 82(2), 157-168. Efforts to improve the Black science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) pipeline have focused on historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs);… read more