Palmer, R. T., & Maramba, D. C. (2011). African American male achievement: Using a tenet of critical theory to explain the African American male achievement disparity. Education and Urban Society, 43(4), 431-450. Although African Americans continue to demonstrate a desire for education, Black male enrollment and completion rates in higher education… read more
Achievement (AC)
Understanding and Reversing Underachievement, Low achievement, and Achievement Gaps Among High-Ability African American Males in Urban School Contexts
Ford, D. Y., & Moore, J. L. (2013). Understanding and Reversing Underachievement, Low achievement, and Achievement Gaps Among High-Ability African American Males in Urban School Contexts. The Urban Review, 45(4), 399-415. This article focuses on the achievement gap, with attention devoted to underachievement and low achievement among African American males in urban… read more
Different Folks, Different Hopes The Educational Aspirations of Black Males in Urban, Suburban, and Rural High Schools
Strayhorn, T. L. (2009). Different Folks, Different Hopes The Educational Aspirations of Black Males in Urban, Suburban, and Rural High Schools. Urban Education, 44(6), 710-731. The educational aspirations of Black males in urban, suburban, and rural high schools were examined in this study, using a nationally-representative sample of respondents to the National… read more
When race and gender collide: Social and cultural capital’s influence on the academic achievement of African American and Latino males
Strayhorn, T. L. (2010). When race and gender collide: Social and cultural capital’s influence on the academic achievement of African American and Latino males. The Review of Higher Education, 33(3), 307-332. This study regressed undergraduate grades on background traits, pre-college variables, and measures of sociocultural capital for nationally representative samples… read more