Howard, T. C. (2002). Hearing footsteps in the dark: African American students’ descriptions of effective teachers. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 7(4), 425-444. There has been scant research examining African American students’ perceptions of their learning environments. Nonetheless, the persistent underachievement of African American students merits an investigation into… read more
Achievement (AC)
Project 2011 and the Preparation of Black and Latino Students for Admission to Specialized High Schools in New York City
Ebanks, M. E., Toldson, I. A., Richards, S., & Lemmons, B. P. (2012). Project 2011 and the Preparation of Black and Latino Students for Admission to Specialized High Schools in New York City. The Journal of Negro Education,81(3), 241-251. Public elite and specialized high schools in New York City have a… read more
Commentary: 75 Years after the” Mis-education of the Negro”: New Imperatives for the Education of Black Males.
Toldson, I. A., Brown, R. L. F., & Sutton, R. M. (2009). Commentary: 75 Years after the” Mis-education of the Negro”: New Imperatives for the Education of Black Males. The Journal of Negro Education, 78(3), 195-203. In 1933, Dr. Carter G. Woodson proclaimed, “Those who have not learned to do for… read more
Guest editorial: Before the bell rings: Implementing coordinated school health models to influence the academic achievement of African American males
Caldwell, L. D., Sewell, A. A., Parks, N., & Toldson, I. A. (2009). Guest editorial: Before the bell rings: Implementing coordinated school health models to influence the academic achievement of African American males. The Journal of Negro Education, 78(3), 204-215. This article addresses a void in the literature that connects the… read more