Grantham, T. C. (2004). Rocky Jones: Case Study of a High-Achieving Black Male’s Motivation to Participate in Gifted Classes. Roeper Review, 26(4), 208-215. An increased body of research on the recruitment and retention of Black students in gifted programs provides guidance for educators to understand factors that impact Black male underrepresentation in… read more
Achievement (AC)
Locus of Control and Achievement for At-Risk Black Males
Howerton, D. L. (1993). Locus of Control and Achievement for At-Risk Black Males.High School Journal, 76(3), 210. The relationship between locus of control and academic achievement was studied for 42 adolescent black males identified as at-risk by their teachers. The Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control scale (NS-LOC) for children was used as… read more
Understanding the Relationships among Racial Identity, Self-Efficacy, Institutional Integration and Academic Achievement of Black Males Attending Research Universities
Reid, K. (2013). Understanding the Relationships among Racial Identity, Self-Efficacy, Institutional Integration and Academic Achievement of Black Males Attending Research Universities. Journal Of Negro Education, 82(1), 75-93. This study asserts that African American males with higher grade point averages (GPAs) in college are also academically and socially integrated into campus and hold… read more
Teachers’ Expectations for Black Males’ and Black Females’ Academic Achievement
Ross, S. I., & Jackson, J. M. (1991). Teachers’ Expectations for Black Males’ and Black Females’ Academic Achievement. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17(1), 78-82. Expectancy effects for Black males and Black females and a suspected cause of these effects were studied. Teachers responded to a questionnaire containing 12 case histories of… read more