Tatham, C. B., & Tatham, E. L. (1974). Academic Predictors for Black Students.Educational and Psychological Measurement, 34(2), 371-374. Forty-five black males and 28 black females were designated as being either academically successful (graduation or GPA at least 1.0) or academically unsuccessful. A two way (Sex × Academic Success) multivariate analysis of… read more
Achievement (AC)
Gifted black males in an urban high school: factors that influence achievement and underachievement
Hébert, T. P. (1998). Gifted black males in an urban high school: factors that influence achievement and underachievement. Journal For The Education Of The Gifted, 21(4), 385-414. Many gifted African American males educated in large, urban high schools do not achieve at a level commensurate with their ability. The case studies reported… read more
The Influence Of Female-Headed Households On Black Achievement
Madyun, N., & Lee, M. S. (2010). The Influence Of Female-Headed Households On Black Achievement. Urban Education,45(4), 424-447. This study attempts to go beyond the individual-level factors that explain the underachievement of the Black male student and specifically focuses on the enormous growth of female-headed households. To this end, 2,849 middle… read more
Gifted Black males in a predominantly White university: portraits of high achievement
Hebert, T. P. (2002, Fall). Gifted Black males in a predominantly White university: portraits of high achievement. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 26(1), 25 This article addresses the limited research on high-achieving African American students by examining the experiences of 5 gifted Black males in a predominantly White… read more