Hebert, T. P., & Schreiber, C. A. (2010, Summer). An examination of selective achievement in gifted males. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 33(4), 570 Selective achievers are intrinsically motivated individuals whose performance matches ability only in specific areas that satisfy their interests and personal goal orientations. Through a… read more
Achievement (AC)
The Efficacy of All-Male Academies: Insights from Critical Race Theory (CRT)
Mitchell, A. B., & Stewart, J. B. (2013). The Efficacy of All-Male Academies: Insights from Critical Race Theory (CRT).Sex Roles, 69(7-8), 382-392. This paper presents Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a theoretical framework for understanding the growing interest in establishing single-gender schools and classrooms for African American males in the United… read more
Never Quit: The Complexities of Promoting Social and Academic Excellence at a Single-Gender School for Urban African American Males
James, M. C. (2010). Never Quit: The Complexities of Promoting Social and Academic Excellence at a Single-Gender School for Urban African American Males.Journal of African American Males in Education, 1(3), 167-195. This study explores the experiences of urban African American males at a first year single-gender charter school in the Southern… read more
African-American Male Academies: A Positive View
Midgette, T. E., & Glenn, E. (1993). African-American Male Academies: A Positive View. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 21(2), 69-78. Encourages African-American male academies to promote the positive academic and holistic development of what is referred to as an endangered segment of society–the young African-American male. Asserts there is a need… read more