Miller Dyce, C. (2015). Understanding the Challenges in Order to Increase the Educational Outcomes for At Risk African American Males in Out-of-Home Placements: Residential Group Homes and Foster Care. The Urban Review, 47(1), 144-160. This article explores the challenges related to increasing educational outcomes for African American males who are… read more
Achievement (AC)
African American males: Soon gone?
Bryant, N. (2000). African American males: Soon gone?. Journal of African American Men, 4(4), 9-17. Examines social & psychological factors contributing to the negative space in which African American males find themselves. These males have suffered disproportionately from the breakdown of the US family. African American youths have internalized negative stereotypes that… read more
The method in the madness: African American males, avoidance schooling, and chaos theory
Polite, V. C. (1994). The method in the madness: African American males, avoidance schooling, and chaos theory. Journal of Negro Education, 588-601. The social context of schooling is examined, drawing on a case study of 115 African-American boys attending a metropolitan high school 1986-1989, using chaos theory developed in quantum physics,… read more
Social Science Literature Concerning African American Men
Gordon, E. T., Gordon, E. W., & Nembhard, J. G. (1994). Social Science Literature Concerning African American Men. The Journal of Negro Education,63(4), 508. Discusses the social science research literature on black males in the following four areas: demographic and statistical issues, psychosocial issues, political/economic issues, and educational issues. The article… read more