Harper, S. R. (2007). Peer support for African American male college achievement: Beyond internalized racism and the burden of “acting White”. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 14(3), 337-358. Theorists posit that the social reinforcement of racially oppressive assumptions eventually works its way into the psyche of African Americans and negatively… read more
Achievement (AC)
(Un)Doing Hegemony in Education: Disrupting School-to-Prison Pipelines for Black Males
Dancy II, E. (2014). (Un)Doing Hegemony in Education: Disrupting School-to-Prison Pipelines for Black Males. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(4), 476-493. The school-to-prison pipeline refers to the disturbing national trend in which children are funneled out of public schools and into juvenile and criminal justice systems. The purpose of this… read more
“I’m Trying to Get My A”: Black Male Achievers Talk About Race, School and Achievement
Allen, Q. (2015). “I’m Trying to Get My A”: Black Male Achievers Talk About Race, School and Achievement. The Urban Review, 47(1). This study seeks to challenge deficit views on Black male education by highlighting the perspectives of academically successful Black males in a secondary school setting. Employing interpretive qualitative… read more
A Motivational Intervention for African American Boys Labeled as Aggressive
Graham, S., Taylor, A., & Hudley, C. (2015). A 12-week, 32-lesson afterschool intervention was conducted with third- to fifth-grade urban African American boys classified as aggressive. Grounded in attribution theory and organized around the construct of perceived responsibility in self and others,. Urban Education, 50(2), 194-224. A 12-week, 32-lesson afterschool… read more