Eddy, C. M., & Easton-Brooks, D. (2011). Ethnic matching, school placement, and mathematics achievement of african american students from kindergarten through fifth grade. Urban Education, 46(6), 1280-1299. Educators, administrators, and policymakers focus much attention on closing the achievement gap, and various approaches have been suggested. The present study focuses on… read more
Achievement (AC)
“Stakes Is High”: Culturally Relevant Practitioner Inquiry With African American Students Struggling to Pass Secondary Reading Exit Exams
Houchen, D. (2013). “Stakes is high”: Culturally relevant practitioner inquiry with african american students struggling to pass secondary reading exit exams. Urban Education, 48(1), 92-115. This article explores practitioner inquiry and culturally relevant pedagogy to create academic success with students facing high school exit examinations in Reading. In Florida, about… read more
Risk and Protective Factors in Mathematically Talented Black Male Students: Snapshots From Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade
McGee, E. O., & Pearman, F. A. (2014). Risk and protective factors in mathematically talented black male students: Snapshots from kindergarten through eighth grade. Urban Education, 49(4), 363-393. Within urban elementary schools are Black students who continue to challenge the normative deficit characterization of the educational opportunities of students like… read more
Success in These Schools? Visual Counternarratives of Young Men of Color and Urban High Schools They Attend
Harper, S. R. (2015). Success in these schools? visual counternarratives of young men of color and urban high schools they attend. Urban Education, 50(2), 139-169. The overwhelming majority of published scholarship on urban high schools in the United States focuses on problems of inadequacy, instability, underperformance, and violence. Similarly, across… read more