Alonzo M Flowers III. (2015). The family factor: The establishment of positive academic identity for black males engineering majors. Western Journal of Black Studies,39(1), 64. This study represents a unique examination of identity development processes, particularly in its focus on the impact of the family unit and the establishment of… read more
Achievement (AC)
The impact of religion on the educational achievement of Black boys: A UK and USA study
Byfield, C. (2008). The impact of religion on the educational achievement of black boys: A UK and USA study. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29(2), 189-199. Black boys in the United Kingdom and the USA have almost become synonymous with the concept of ‘underachievement’. However, many Black boys are… read more
The Piney Woods School: An Exploration of the Historically Black Boarding School Experience in Shaping Student Achievement, Cultural Esteem, and Collegiate Integration
Alexander-Snow, M. (2011). The piney woods school: An exploration of the historically black boarding school experience in shaping student achievement, cultural esteem, and collegiate integration. Urban Education, 46(3), 322-341. This qualitative case study explores the cultural impact the Piney Woods School, a historically Black independent boarding school, had on the… read more
I Know Who I Am, Do You?: Identity and Academic Achievement of Successful African American Male Adolescents in an Urban Pilot High School in the United States
Wright, B. L. (2011). I know who I am, do you?: Identity and academic achievement of successful african american male adolescents in an urban pilot high school in the united states. Urban Education, 46(4), 611-638. This study explores racial-ethnic identity and academic achievement of five young African American men in… read more