Strayhorn, T. L. (2009). Different folks, different hopes: The educational aspirations of black males in urban, suburban, and rural high schools. Urban Education, 44(6), 710-731. The educational aspirations of Black males in urban, suburban, and rural high schools were examined in this study, using a nationally-representative sample of respondents to… read more
Achievement (AC)
Black Males’ Structural Conditions, Achievement Patterns, Normative Needs, and “Opportunities”
Swanson, D. P., Cunningham, M., & Spencer, M. B. (2003). Black males’ structural conditions, achievement patterns, normative needs, and “opportunities”. Urban Education, 38(5), 608-633. The relations between normative developmental transitions, contextual influences, and life-stage outcomes such as academic achievement for African American males are examined. The integration ofaffective and cognitive… read more
Understanding the Relationships among Racial Identity, Self-Efficacy, Institutional Integration and Academic Achievement of Black Males Attending Research Universities
Reid, K. W. (2013). Understanding the relationships among racial identity, self-efficacy, institutional integration and academic achievement of black males attending research universities. The Journal of Negro Education, 82(1), 75-93 This study asserts that African American males with higher grade point averages (GPA,) in college are also academically and socially integrated… read more
“I have to be three steps ahead”: Academically Gifted African American Male Students in an Urban High School on the Tension between an Ethnic and Academic Identity
Graham, A., & Anderson, K. A. (2008). “I have to be three steps ahead”: Academically gifted african american male students in an urban high school on the tension between an ethnic and academic identity. The Urban Review, 40(5), 472-499. This case study investigation of three Academically Gifted African American male… read more