Warren, C. A., Douglas, T. M., & Howard, T. C. (2016). In Their Own Words: Erasing Deficits and Exploring What Works to Improve K–12 and Postsecondary Black Male School Achievement. Teachers College Record, 118(6), 1-6. This article outlines the imperative for strengths-based research to counter deficit perceptions and perspectives of… read more
Achievement (AC)
Creating access and opportunity: Preparing African-American male students for STEM trajectories PreK-12
Wright, B. L., Counsell, S. L., Goings, R. B., Freeman, H., & Peat, F. (2016). Creating access and opportunity: Preparing african-american male students for STEM trajectories PreK-12.Journal for Multicultural Education, 10(3), 384-404. Research often neglects the full continuum of the STEM pipeline in terms of underserved and underrepresented populations. African… read more
Excellence Beyond Athletics: Best Practices for Enhancing Black Male Student Athletes’ Educational Experiences and Outcomes
Cooper, J. N. (2016). Excellence beyond athletics: Best practices for enhancing black male student athletes’ educational experiences and outcomes. Equity & Excellence in Education,49(3), 267-283. Postsecondary institutions in the United States, including member institutions of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), are charged with the responsibility of cultivating positive learning… read more
(Re)defining the Narrative: High-Achieving Nontraditional Black Male Undergraduates at a Historically Black College and University
Goings, R. (2016). (re)defining the narrative: High-achieving nontraditional black male undergraduates at a historically black college and university. Adult Education Quarterly,66(3), 237-253. Using Harper’s anti-deficit achievement framework as a theoretical guide, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to investigate the academic and social experiences of four nontraditional, high-achieving, Black… read more