Milner, H. (2007). African american males in urban schools: No excuses-teach and empower. Theory into Practice,46(3), 239-246.
The author outlines five promising principles, emerging from his research, on teaching that can empower teachers and Black male students in urban school contexts. In particular, teachers and students (a) envision life beyond their present situations, (b) come to know themselves in relation to others, (c) speak possibility and not destruction, (d) care and demonstrate that care, and (e) change their thinking to change their actions. The author argues that those in education should stop making excuses for why schools are failing Black male students, especially in urban schools, and do what is necessary to meet these students’ needs. The central theme of the article is one of next level education, a new and more promising level of education for Black students achievable when effort and commitment are present.
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