Lewis, C. W., Butler, B. R., Bonner, I. I., Fred, A., & Joubert, M. (2010). African American male discipline patterns and school district responses resulting impact on academic achievement: Implications for urban educators and policy makers. Journal of African American Males in Education, 1(1), 7-25.
This study, utilizing a sample of more than 3,500 African American males in a Midwestern urban school district, investigates the discipline patterns of African American males and school district responses that impact their academic achievement on state standardized tests. To fulfill the goals of this study, we have four interrelated objectives: (1) to investigate all documented behavior occurrences of African American males in comparison to their peers during the 2005-2006 academic school year; (2) to detail the discipline responses recommended by the school district for these offenses; (3) to calculate the total amount of class time missed as a result of school district prescribed resolutions; and (4) to provide a connection to performance on standardized test reporting for the larger African American student population in this urban school district. As a result of the findings of this study, recommendations will be made for educators and policy makers to improve the discipline patterns and academic performance of African American males.