Rios, V. M. (2009). The consequences of the criminal justice pipeline on black and latino masculinity. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 623(1), 150-162. Analyses of the criminal justice system have revealed the racialized nature of crime and punishment in the United States. We know… read more
Search Results for: criminal justice
Integrating Hip‐Hop Culture and Rap Music Into Social Justice Counseling With Black Males
Washington, A. R. (2018). Integrating Hip‐Hop culture and rap music into social justice counseling with black males. Journal of Counseling & Development, 96(1), 97-105. In this article, the author suggests that Hip‐Hop culture and rap music, in particular, can be integrated into individual counseling interactions with Black male clients to… read more
Overview Housed within the Division of Campus and Community Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin, the Heman Sweatt Center Research Lab strives to create equitable access for Black males across the P-16 educational continuum. The Heman Sweatt Center Research Lab accomplishes this goal by publishing asset-oriented and humanizing… read more
Black Men Making it in America: The Engines of Economic Success for Black Men in America
From: project of the Open Societies Foundation Publisher of Study: American Enterprise Institute This report seeks specifically to answer two important sets of questions that bear on the economic fortunes of black men in America: 1. What share of black men have reached the middle class or higher as adults? What share… read more